Acquisitions: Portraits in the Print Room


  • Erik Hinterding
  • Marije Jan
  • Huigen Leeflang
  • Jacqueline de Raad



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Author Biographies

  • Erik Hinterding

    Erik Hinterding studied art history at the University of Utrecht. After an internship in the Print Room of the Rijksmuseum he worked in the historic paper department of the Royal Library in The Hague and in the print room of the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Bologna. He obtained his doctorate with the thesis Rembrandt als etser: twee studies naar de praktijk van productie en verspreiding. Starting in 2008, he and a colleague compiled a new oeuvre catalogue of Rembrandt’s etchings for the New Hollstein series. He has been a curator of prints in the Rijksmuseum since 2012.

  • Marije Jan

    Marije Jansen has been a junior curator of Japanese prints in the Print Room since November 2012. She studied Japanese language and culture at the University of Leiden, specializing in East Asian art and material culture. She went on to study Art History at the University of Amsterdam. During her studies she specialized in Japanese prints, after which she worked in a gallery that dealt in Japanese prints and was involved in various exhibitions and cataloguing projects.

  • Huigen Leeflang

    Huigen Leeflang is curator of prints at the Rijksmuseum print room. He publishes on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century drawing and printmaking. As an editor he was and is involved in the production of several volumes of New Hollstein: Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts.

  • Jacqueline de Raad

    Jacqueline de Raad has worked as a curator of twentieth-century works on paper in the Print Room since October 2008. She is also working for the RKD in The Hague on an oeuvre catalogue of the paintings of Jan Sluijters (1881-1957), the digital version of which will be published as a rkd monograph in 2014.







How to Cite

Hinterding, Erik, Marije Jan, Huigen Leeflang, and Jacqueline de Raad. 2014. “Acquisitions: Portraits in the Print Room”. The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 62 (1): 74-101.