Genuine, Fake, Restored or Pastiche?

Two Renaissance Jewels in the Rijksmuseum Collection


  • Suzanne van Leeuwen
  • Joosje van Bennekom
  • Sara Creange



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Author Biographies

  • Suzanne van Leeuwen

    Suzanne van Leeuwen studied Art History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Amsterdam, receiving a Master’s degree in 2007. In 2012 she gained a second Master’s degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the University of Amsterdam. She is currently enrolled in the Post-Graduate Conservation Programme, specializing in Metals. In October 2014 she will start work as a junior conservator/curator at the Rijksmuseum, with a focus on the jewellery collection.

  • Joosje van Bennekom

    Joosje van Bennekom is the senior metal conservator in the Rijksmuseum’s metal conservation department; with her background as a biologist she hopes to contribute to the scientific and technological studies of historical metalwork. More recently she published on the technical issues of Wenzel Jamnitzer’s Spanish Table. Publications will shortly follow on the research into and restoration of the ‘Merkelsche tafelaufsatz’ made by Wenzel Jamnitzer.

  • Sara Creange

    Sara Creange has been a conservator of metals at the Rijksmuseum since 2007. Trained as an objects conservator at Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, she has a broad range of interests. Current projects include enamels on metal, jewellery and other precious metal objects, and Southeast Asian sculptures.







How to Cite

van Leeuwen, Suzanne, Joosje van Bennekom, and Sara Creange. 2014. “Genuine, Fake, Restored or Pastiche? Two Renaissance Jewels in the Rijksmuseum Collection”. The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 62 (3): 270-87.